Sunday, July 7, 2013

Final (maybe) track plan

Well the shed progresses.  Finished out the drywall this afternoon.  It's taped and mud is drying.

Really been around the bend with the track plan.  The struggle has been how to have a roundy-round layout that allows for some operations, and no duck-unders. The problem with that is that you only have one real choice and it's a dog bone.  BUT as my friends at would say, I get in trouble with the reach police.

But at the same time I get in trouble with visitors if I make them duck under the layout to come visit.

This plan is a compromise.  First thing you'll notice is that the door now swings out.  Decided to rip out the door and re hang it.  That makes for much more operational room in the shed. 

The bridge at the door way is planned to be an easy lift out.  And will the bottom of it will be around 48" high so it will be possible to duck under as well.

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